Thursday, July 17, 2008

True Fans

I know here lately I've been blogging about things I like... music, celebreties, etc. Well, here we go with another one but this one is higher up the list.... if you know me well, you know what's coming.

On the list of priorities, God is first, followed by Matt, then family (both blood and church), and right behind that is Duke. I almost never miss a game (on tv of course) during baskeball season and as of late I've been trying to watch their football games because lets all face it, they NEED some football fans. I say all of this because one thing is true, Duke fans stick together.

For example, Matt and I are sitting at the light today at 385 and Stone Avenue and someone kept blowing the horn and finally we looked around because it just wouldn't stop. Turns out it was a fellow Duke fan behind us. They saw the Duke stickers and magnet on my car and well they had a Duke license plate so they couldn't help but say hey. This isn't rare for me when I'm driving my Jeep. Once, I was on Woodruff Road and a SUV pulled up beside me and the window slowly rolled down and I thought what the heck... suddenly a blue duke fan came out of the window. Woo hoo! And then once I was getting out of my car back when I lived on Pelham Road another Jeep rode by and the driver rolled down his window enough for me to see his hat and he blew the horn.... yes us Duke fans stick together.

It makes me proud to be a Duke fan, despite what my husband thinks. So, I am proud to be a Duke fan and I will forever be a Duke fan... none of this bandwagon, fairweather fan crap. Either join us for good and find another team. Ha.

Ok I must stop ranting. Goodnight.


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