Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Need Sleep.....

Last night I laid down, read a little out of my Thomas Jefferson book, then read a few pages out of the Psalms, turned on Robin Mark on my ipod and drifted off to sleep. I fell asleep so easily and it felt so good.... but it didn't last long. Matt came to bed a few hours later and for the rest of the night, I tossed, I turned, I laid there staring at darkness. Sure I have a lot on my mind but I was pretty relaxed and can't figure out why I couldn't sleep. So the alarm went off at 7:45 and I think that was about the time my body decided to doze off to sleep. UGH! I went and had my bloodwork done. Lets pray that my hcg levels have dropped so that I don't have to keep going back once a week to have blood drawn.

Now, I'm gonna try to lay down and get some rest. Maybe an animal or two will cuddle up next to me and I will be able to sleep.


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