Saturday, May 31, 2008

So Proud

Ok... I need to brag right now. Dad presented his big check to the Children's Miracle Network today. We had all been speculating about the amount we thought he raised but no one was sure how much it would be. Well.... I am excited to say he just presented a check for $8,990! How cool is he?! To put that in perspective for you, a few minutes before his presentation, Costco of Myrtle Beach presented their check. Costco does millions of dollars of sale every year. This one store raised a little over $6,000 and my dad, through his hard work and efforts raised almost $9,000! Woo Hoo! I can't wait to post pictures! I'm sure my video won't come out great but I tried to record the video of his presentation with my digital camera.

Anyways, leave some comments or if you want to email my dad and tell him just how cool you think he is too,


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