This evening... or should I say late evening.... I was perusing some of the millions of blogs out there and found one guy's recent entry about his joy in moving back to his hometown and then he proceeded to list ten or so fun things he loved doing while growing up there. So I pondered... what does Hartsville have to offer?
1. Kalmia Gardens is nice but only if you are a nature-loving, trail walking type.
2. The South Carolina Cotton Trail makes its way through the city. Hartsville does have a good bit of history to it so if you're a history lover... you could occupy yourself for a couple of hours. I do have to admit that I enjoy this part of Hartsville. I always loved when the cotton fields were full and I'd pretend it was really a fresh blanket of snow.
3. Mr. B's has the best Southern food by far. Matt and I always enjoy eating there when we go home to visit. There macaroni and cheese and flat biscuits are well worth the money.
4. Ok so I'm starting to run out of things to mention so I'm gonna stretch and mention the Darlington Raceway. I know its in Darlington but really the two towns are only a few miles apart and since I did attend high school in Darlington its allowed on the list.
5. Alright... I give up. I tried and I only came up with four things. Therefore... as my title says, Hartsville doesn't have much to offer.
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