Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I love thunderstorms. Some of my best memories as a child include laying across the bed in the front bedroom at my grandparents' house. My cousin, Joseph, and I would lay there and watch the lightning strikes out across the cotton field that was across from their house.
To this day, lightning still amazes me. How is something that is so beautiful... so dangerous? How can someone see the wonders of nature and deny the existence of an all-powerfull God?
I know someone sitting out there reading this is thinking "lightning can be destructive." You are correct. We must remember that God is a God of love but also a God of wrath and justice. He wants no one to perish but hopes that all of us will turn and follow Him. But, for those who don't, they will have to face the God of wrath and justice.
I was reading C.H. Spurgeon this morning and loved this:
I love Thee, Lord, but with no love of mine,
For I have none to give;
I love Thee, Lord; but all the love is THine,
For by Thy love I live.
I am as nothing, and rejoice to be
Emptied, and lost, and swallowed up in Thee.

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