Monday, June 23, 2008

Here we go.

Ok so I'm not one to get super emotional often. Tomorrow is my last day so a blog about it is due. I decided to just do lists -- things I will miss and things I won't.

First, things I will miss about working at Cox CustomMedia (in no particular order):
1. My work husband. This may take some explaining. Joe and I affectionately termed one another work spouses. Before anyone gets all suspicious, Matt is completely aware and he and Joe are pretty good buddies. I think the terms actually started cause we "bickered" like a married couple. Anyways, he's a good friend and I'll miss him. Ok I can only be sentimental for a moment. He might think I actually like him. ;-)
2. Brent's dancing. This has provided me with many hours of laughing. If ever you are having a bad day, find Brent and tell him to do a little dance. No two are ever the same but they're always funny.
3. Pizza on Saturdays. Most everyone else at work is going to be glad to get away from the pizza but ever since the pregnancy I can't get enough of it and on Saturdays, it was free and there was always good conversation.
4. Working on an Apple. Usually either you're a PC fan or an Apple fan... one or the other. I'm special and I can say I like both. Each have their faults but I think I'd choose an Apple over a PC. I'd like to have one but their number one fault... they're overpriced so I'll just do without.
5. Wearing jeans to work. Most places of employment don't allow employees to wear jeans to work. I'm praying that my next job allows such but expecting that they won't. My wardrobe consists of jeans, tshirts, and flip flops. Ah.... its so comfortable.
6. Music. A lot of jobs such as retail (I hope I don't have to go back to retail) but such jobs don't allow the luxury of listening to your IPOD on the job. There's a good chance I won't be able to jam to The Beatles or Michael Jackson or whoever my group of the day is at my next job. (Sidenote: today is Dave Barnes day)
7. A really, really short drive to work. Current drive to work, 8 minutes, enough said.
8. And finally, the short jokes. There, I can't believe I said it. I have heard short jokes several times a day for the last three years. Most of the time they were genuinely funny but its one of those situations where "if we didn't make fun of you, you'd be worried." Ah, I'll miss it. By the way, "Your face is stupid."

Ok so those are some of the things I'm going to miss. What am I not going to miss?

1. Office politics. I know, I know, they're everywhere but some places can be extreme. If you worked on the middle row, you'd understand how ridiculous it can get.
2. Pink folders and red tags. No more reading about how the resident of the month has been married, had kids, and walked a mile uphill in the snow to get who knows where. I have learned that everyone, and I mean everyone, has a story; doesn't mean I have to hear all of them though. No more special handling either! While those have been transferred (supposedly to Missouri) for a couple of months, there were stragglers.
3. Over-emotional people. If you know me well at all, you know (like I said earlier) I don't get super emotional often so those people who do, REALLY get on my nerves especially when its over something silly. Rude awakenings are in store.
4. The thermostat: In the winter, its 30 degrees outside and 95 degrees inside the building. In the summer, its 95 degrees outside and 30 degrees inside. Someone should warn the next group of folks who have to work in this crazy building which also lacks clean air.
5. 9 hour days. Most places these days, considering the economy, try to keep overtime to a minimum. But not here... nope 9 hours a day six days a week are a thing of the past now. :-)

Well, I suppose thats enough. I think I could go on and on.

To my wonderful coworkers, cause the building really is full of some really great people, I hope everyone finds the job that fits them perfectly. Enjoy the rest of the week and I'll see you Friday for one last shindig.


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